Tuesday, 15 November 2011

My Dream Vacation- Paris, France

A Trip To The City Of Lights

Taking a trip to Paris has always been a dream of mine. Ever since middle school I have taken French as my second language. Having learned about the culture and language throughout several years has greatly sparked my interest to visit the city I have learned so much about. Paris is one of the best loved cities in the world and that is because it has everything to offer from diverse culture, range of arts, ethereal architecture and world famous shopping. Going to Paris is a dream vacation for me because not only would I be able to visit the historical monuments I learned about in history class but also utilize and solidify my fluency in French. I would be able to try the exotic cuisine, admire the classic French architecture and have the privilege of shopping in one of the fashion capitals of the world. Paris would be the ultimate luxurious experience and let’s face it, who wouldn't want to be treated like a movie star for a week? Even writing about the possibility of traveling to Paris is exhilarating!

Where would I stay?

The Ritz Paris! The Ritz Paris is a dream hotel that I would be honoured to stay in. Some of the biggest celebrities in history have stayed in this hotel including my fashion idol Coco Chanel. The high ceilings, gold plated taps and handmade linens are just a few of the details which make this hotel so desirable. Staying in this luxurious hotel would make me feel like royalty, living the life in a suite that is more than my university tuition! Feeling glamorous during my stay in Paris would be the ultimate dream for someone who loves fashion and style like myself. 

Trip Details:
Who: ideally my trip to Paris would be with my family and friends!

Where: Paris, France

When: Springtime! May 2-7

How: Air Travel, preferrably first class:)

Paris Trip Itenirary:
Day 1. Arrive at the Ritz Paris, probably exhausted and jet lagged. Walk in the neighborhood of the hotel to discover the famous french bakeries and restaurants that surround the Ritz. Eat at one of the eateries around the hotel then go straight to bed to be well rested for the next few days. 

Day 2. Wake up early in the morning. Explore the beautiful Ritz Paris from its breathtaking swimming pool to its grand ballroom. Next, head to the Eiffel Tower because the morning is the best time to avoid the crowds. Go to the tower via the Champs de Mars- the best route to arrive at the tower. Take pictures, remember my grandfather and explore surrounding monuments. Then at night go to Cafe Le Bosquet to have dinner and try escargot! 

Day 3: Explore and document exotic street fashions in Paris. Go to the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré and Rue Saint-Honoré to shop at the trendiest and most famous shops in Paris. After i have worked up an apetite journey to Crêperie Bretonne in the 11th arrondisment to try the famous crepes!

Day 4: This entire day will be designated to visiting the Musee Du Louvre. This is the day i will be journeying to the Louvre without my family and friends to admire the architecture and paintings of the Louvre. I will be taking pictures and writing down all great things I see along the way.

Day 5: My last full day in Paris i want to visit the must see attractions such as the Champs-Élysées, Palace of Versaille and if i have time Disneyland:) 

Day 6: Bye Bye Paris :(!

Why Paris?

The Cuisine: Ever since I first learned about the French cuisine I have always wanted to try authentic French crêpes. My goal would be to try crêpes at the Crêperie Bretonne a place rumoured to have the 'best crêpes in Paris'. This signature crêpe shop is located near the 11th arrondisment near the Bastille. Although this is not in the neighbourhood of the Ritz Paris where I would be staying, the journey to the 'best crêpes' would definitely be worth taking. In Paris, eating and making crêpe is symbolic of family life, and hope for good fortune and happiness ahead. Thus during its preparations, it is customary for the cook to touch the handle of the frying pan and make a wish while the pancake is turned. This interesting and beautiful tradition is definitely one that I would love to partake in as I myself am quite superstitious and intrigued by different cultural traditions. 

What else have i always wanted to try? ESCARGOT! Yes, I said it. I realize eating snails is not most people’s cup of tea but I like to think of myself as quite a daredevil. This posh French delicacy that I have seen and heard so much about has intrigued me for many years now. I wonder if they would taste slimy? Salty? Would I like them? My dream vacation to Paris would not be complete without trying escargot with garlic butter! Yummy! My desire to try the escargot is not just a result of hearing and learning about them for years but is sparked by intrigue and curiosity on why this particular dish is a delicacy in France.

Paris is one of the fashion capitals of the world and being able to shop there would be an absolute honour.  Fashion is something I have always been passionate about. I love art, creativity and eccentric designs and what better place for a fashion lover than Paris. The Faubourg Saint-Honoré district is the pulse of Paris design and fashion and seeing the creativity put into each article of clothing would be inspirational. Fashion is a great way of expressing your individuality and making a statement, both things I feel are very important. Being able to express myself through fashion has helped me a lot throughout my life, especially in dealing with ridicule and teasing I experienced as a child over the way I looked. That is why fashion to me is more than just articles of clothing, it’s about not apologizing for who you are and being proud of it. I would love to open up a boutique one day so being able to visit places such as the Faubourg Saint-Honoré would be a great way for me to get inspired and motivated about pursuing this career choice. 

I would love to see one of the seven forgotten wonders of the modern world: the Eiffel Tower! The Eiffel Tower is the tallest building in Paris and one of the most recognizable monuments in the world. Not only is the Eiffel Tower breathtaking in pictures but also has great historical significance. For me, visiting the Eiffel Tower would be a more sentimental experience because it is tied to the memory of my grandfather. As a child my grandfather always read Madeline to me, which is about a 9 year old girl’s adventures in Paris and many of the illustrations depict the Eiffel Tower. Thus visiting this site would not only be significant because of its beauty but also because it would be a great way for me to remember a family tradition of mine and a bond I once had with a dear family member.

A Must See: Musée du Louvre
For those who love the arts the Louvre is the absolute king of museums. It is exemplary of French excellence in the arts with its vast, diverse, and breathtaking collection. Housing some of the most famous paintings such as the Mona Lisa and Venus De Milo this palace is a symbol of the great history of the medieval period. The permanent works of Da Vinci, Delacroix, Vermeer and many more also reside in the breath taking site. Not only is the Louvre stunning in its detail and ethereal architecture but the magnificent works inside make it that much more exciting. Visiting the Louvre is definitely one of the items on my life's bucket list because as a lover of the arts this is an absolute heaven. For the other parts of my trip I would love to have family and friends come with me, however, when visiting the Louvre ideally, I would be alone. In my dream vacation I would love to visit the Musée du Louvre solo to take as much time as I want admiring and dissecting the details of the paintings and architecture. To be able to witness the inspiration and genius embedded in the works of such famous artists would be an honour and experience of a lifetime. 


Practice my French:

Throughout the years in all my French classes we had to put on short skits pretending to be in a coffee shop or store in France and engage in a conversation with our partners pretending to be the store clerk or waiter. After practicing these scenarios countless times in a class room, I would love to be able to put my French to the test and interact with real French sales clerks and waiters to see how fluent I am. I feel the best way to learn or improve on a language is to live in the place in which that language is spoken. For me, this one additional reason why Paris is the perfect vacation choice. I would love the chance to walk into a restaurant, order my food confidently in French and see if I could fool the waiter into thinking I was a local :P I mean I have taken French all my life, I should be able to speak it well enough to do that! I would love to improve on my accent and speak with the fluency and beauty that the French do. Instead of hearing conversations through a stranger in an audio cassette like we would in French class, it would be amazing to hear French people around me and trying to pick up what they say. Reading the street signs and menus would validate all the hard work I have put in for many years trying to perfect this language.


Flight: $1025 CAD
Total hotel cost: $5506 CAD
Total cost per day: $400 CAD
Total Cost: $8531 CAD

All my life I have relied on my parents for money. For this trip, I intend on going when I am able to pay for it myself. My parents have always supported me and paid for everything and so being able to go to Paris will be an accomplishment for me. It will signify the value of hard work and how a reward is much sweeter when you have earned it. I probably would not appreciate the idea of going to Paris this much if it was handed to me. I probably wouldn’t even have planned it out or thought of the great significance Paris has to me, but now that I know it’s something I will have to work hard for, it shows me the value of the trip. This vacation will not only signify my ability to be independent from my parents but also my success in achieving a long term goal I put forth for myself.

So when will I take this Dream vacation?

Hmm let’s see according to my current earnings, spending, and savings I will be going to Paris....about.....NEVER! Ok, that’s not true. Realistically, this trip has a very heavy price tag and according to my predicted projections I will be going to Paris in the year 2022. This may seem like a lifetime for most people, however, I have already waited 10 years I can definitely wait 10 more. Nothing that comes easily is worth having so even if it takes me a lifetime I will chase my dreams of traveling to Paris. After that I will be onto pursuing my next goal and dream because that’s what life is about. To me visiting Paris is more than just a 'trip' it’s a place where I get to visit the sites where my idols lived, to visit the only place that reminds me of my grandpa, and to be surrounded by things I am passionate about. The day you stop having something in life to be excited about, having goals and desires for which you strive is the day you stop living and I will never let that happen to me.

Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid 
that it will never begin.
Grace Hansen

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
Joe Lewis
Trip to Paris- More than just the Glitz and the Glam

My dream vacation to Paris is all about indulgence. I myself do not have the money to afford a vacation or lifestyle like this and I think that's why this would be the ultimate vacation. To forget about the pressures of the real world and live like a movie star would be an experience of a lifetime. If I ever did take a vacation like this, I think it would motivate me to chase my dreams and know that anything is possible. Paris is inspirational, visiting the home of Coco Chanel and seeing how her hard work translated into her immortal legacy is extremely admirable. Every experience is a learning one, and not only would my trip to Paris solidify my love for the city and all that it has to offer, but it would also be symbolic of how anything is possible if you are willing to work hard and blindly pursue what your passionate about. Everything that I am personally passionate about would be wrapped up in this trip which is traveling, trying exotic foods, shopping, and visiting historical places of significance. If I visited Paris all my senses would continuously be stimulated from seeing the trendy street fashion, hearing the fluent French, and smelling the scrumptious cuisine. Because all my passions are in Paris, it would allow me to find myself, to know for sure if things I thought I loved are really what I love when I have a chance to experience them. 
I just think that Paris is every girls dream. It not only has the romantic appeal of possibly falling in love in this beautiful city but also has so much to offer regardless of what kind of tourist you may be. There are the beautiful hotels and spas for the tourists who may want to relax and get treated like royalty with massages and chocolate baths. There is more shopping that one can afford for those who love to be in style and keep up with the latest trends. Lastly, there's the Louvre and exotic cuisine for those who love history and adventure.  A trip to Paris would make me a richer person, not through the material things I buy but through the experiences I would have. There is so much to see and learn in Paris that I would be much more knowledgeable and cultured after a trip like this. The possibilities and experiences which I can have if I ever get to travel to Paris would be endless. For all these reasons and many more Paris would definitely be the destination for my dream vacation. 


  1. Bibliography:

    Eiffel Tower: http://www.wagering-sports.com/images/cities/Paris.jpg

    Map: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/images/europe/france.jpg

    Pool: http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=ritz+paris&num=10&um=1&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=563&tbm=isch&tbnid=UjfaAuCxb1sG3M:&imgrefurl=http://www.voyagesdestination.com/hotel-en-3438-Ritz_Paris_Paris.html&docid=JWauazD6PXCHhM&imgurl=http://www.voyagesdestination.com/images/hotels/Ritz%252520Paris%2525208.jpg&w=540&h=358&ei=sCrMTtiWJe_y2gXLkb24Dw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=754&vpy=150&dur=367&hovh=179&hovw=270&tx=186&ty=74&sig=113945906309514007458&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=87&tbnw=131&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0

    Hotel Room: http://www.hotelsoftherichandfamous.com/travel/images/Hotel-Ritz-Paris/hotel-ritz-paris.jpg

    Scrapbook: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oKVO99Dw_lw/TQKQHEWbQlI/AAAAAAAAEyE/ykqP3SWtaiM/s400/cajoline_iloveparis_pv.jpg

    Crepe Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHVqt6mI1dU&feature=player_embedded

    Escargot: http://xfilexplore.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Escargot-French-cuisine.jpg

    Shopping stores: http://www.parisperfect.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/collages2.jpg

    Madeline: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/19/Madeline-1939.jpg/200px-Madeline-1939.jpg

    cofee shop: http://www.ileadweddings.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/la-provence-street-cafe.jpg

    Louvre: http://www.euroclubschools.co.uk/userimages/louvrewiki.jpg

    coins: http://www.medusawebsolutions.com/Images/money-saving-graph.jpg

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ritz Paris Reservation: https://booking.ihotelier.com/istay/istay.jsp?HotelID=4730&Locale=EN&LanguageID=1&jour=02&mois=05&annee=2012&Length=5&Adults=&Children=&DateIn=05%2F02%2F2012

    Flight: http://www.cheapflights.ca/

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